
A travel blog that focuses on worldly reflections and interpersonal experiences while traveling Europe with my mom and sister

time in Florence, Italy

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Our next stop in this journey was Florence, Italy. I was very excited to visit here because one of my best friends is staying there for the time being. I haven’t seen her since she moved to Belgium about a year and a half ago if I am thinking correctly. She is a kindred spirit and a woman that gets me in ways few do and so naturally. The last several months before this trip she and I had been pen pals, to which created a sacred bond I am so thankful for. Letter writing is the way to go, life is so busy and it’s a great way to keep in contact that feels authentic and warm. The thought of seeing her in person filled my eyes with tears beforehand due to excitement. 

There will be people in your life who bring out stars in your soul and break down barriers you never knew you had. These people are important and must never be lost. Spending time in Florence, Italy reminded me of why these people matter. I was not meant to stay in Florence for long so getting to see her two days in a row was a treat beyond words. Sydknee invited me to go to Castillo Limoncello with her and a group of girls all studying abroad. Our morning was full of chaos of missing buses and trains. To get to this place was about a two-hour train ride and we had a morning of insanity which we finally made it to our train. To find Sydknee in the train station after a year and a half of life without seeing each other in person helped release all the tensions I had. I got to meet Sophia after hearing wonderful things about her for years. To sit and lay on the train was a relief, to be in each other’s presence again. Once we finally made it there, we all hugged trees just relieved to have made it to our destination. Once we got to the beach area, the group of girls all waved and were beyond inviting. The rest of the day was filled with so much joy that we could not contain it, so laughter became our friend. 

I never got the chance to study abroad due to having a major and at one point, three minors. I do not believe in regrets, but it did make me wonder what my life would have looked like if earlier in life I had been able to put myself out into the world the way I am now. 

To be meeting new people and navigating a foreign country while in school. Being in Europe and watching people’s lives go by that I will never fully know has left my imagination to stretch. I often like to imagine myself in spaces that I have examined from afar. Who would I be if I had taken the leap during my time in college to explore the unfamiliarity of a new place? To learn a new language? To be willing to start over for the sake of adventure? To hold onto the importance of exploration more than academic validation? But I digress… 

The day reminded me of the importance of being a kid again. Of the importance of being with women and playing mermaids and looking at all the wonderful details within the ocean. We floated on the water, searched for shells, climbed rocks, and savored girlhood in all its glory. Humans are so quick to jump to the next thing hoping to find whatever craving is being called inside. I am always reminded of how it’s not about searching, but a deep remembering of the importance of simplicity. The ocean always helps me remember. I am always brought back to the kid in me who used to spend summers in San Luis Obispo, California surfing and practically having to be pried out of the water. The ocean is a safe place to me that reminds me of my power. Being with women who love the ocean just as much as me was so wonderful and healing. It makes a part of me feel full that often feels an ache in it, just from the experience of being a woman. 

At a few points in the day, we shared hard things and discussed bits and pieces that I won’t go into detail about. There is no safety like that of women who only wish to uplift. Sydknee is one of those women. She could ask me to do most things and I’d say yes in a heartbeat. She’s the type of friend you could tell anything to and she probably wouldn’t bat an eye and would immediately make the effort to sit with you wherever you are. She’s one of my biggest supporters as I am for her. She knows depths of me many have never reached and I am so grateful to know her. I hope you hold people who make all of you feel seen in such love and comfort that they never have a reason to walk away. That’s how Sydknee makes me feel and through all the chaos of life and distance she still remains with that type of importance. 

The next day we went to visit the Duomo in Florence which is the 6th largest Cathedral in the world “The Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore”.  The outside of this place was beautiful. The intricacies of cathedrals in Europe are new and unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I can understand the depth and history behind a lot of these places. I am not religious and do not agree with organized religion, but the spiritual side of these sights I can feel deeply. They are works of art to which their sacredness I can feel. Seeing it felt like a gift and a pleasure I’ll carry with me. Sydknee met us later and became our personal tour guide of the day. She took us to a few flea markets by her place to which I bought a headscarf. We then got gelato which was needed after a lot of walking in the sun. The gelato in Italy is so creamy and refreshing, they make it flavored in such a way that doesn’t make you sick with sweetness. I appreciate this. We then headed to the overlook. It was a hot walk up a lot of different types of stairs to an overlook of Florence. People go up here with bottles of wine to watch the sunset. I love that people did this at the Sacre Coeur in Paris and here in Italy. I love the aesthetic of life so enveloped with connection. It was a beautiful overlook where you could really tell the immensity of the Duomo. It stuck out as the most beautiful feature of the gorgeous city. We all gleamed at this until hunger set in and the day felt heavy. Saying goodbye to Sydknee felt more like seeing you later, as it always does with her. Sad nonetheless but I know I’ll see her soon and that she is a friend for life not just a season. That night was spent decompressing with pasta and champagne at home while we packed for our next destination, Siena. I am thankful to Florence for hosting my friend and for the woman I met here. Sure traveling is incredible, but when people you love are there it makes it all worth the wild. I feel reborn and recharged for the next parts of Italy as I go down the boot. Until next time. 

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